These directions apply specifically to the EQMOD ASCOM driver for these mounts.
With PEMPro you can handle all aspects of PE recording, curve analysis, PEC curve creation, and uploading a curve to EQMOD. There is no need to use log files from third party applications (although PEMPro can read and analyze EQMOD PERecorder log files). If you are using a CCD you can use the entire frame of the CCD not just a small subframe. You don't even need to disable autoguider outputs. The data is dynamically and automatically updated on screen in real time. Camera support includes a completely automatic automation interface to MaximDL V3/V4/V5, CCDSoft V5, and AstroArt V3/V4.
Additionally PEMPro can natively work with all Meade DSI cameras (color and pro versions of DSI I, II, and III), and webcams that have a windows WDM or DirectDraw driver. This includes the popular Philips Toucam serries, Philips SPC900, Meade LPI, Celestron NexImage, and the entire USB/Firewire line of monochrome and color cameras from The Imaging Source (
When you connect to the mount the worm period and phase are automatically read from EQMOD so PEMPro automatically synchronizes itself to the mount. Whenever you start Acquiring PE data PEMPro automatically re-synchronizes to the mount so this allows you the freedom to move the mount around without needing to re-synchronize. If you are using EQMOD V1.16f or later or the PEMPro enhanced version of EQMOD (1.14gP) there is no need to click any buttons in EQMOD. Other versions of EQMOD can be used but you may need to manually enable PEC and PEC Gain from within the EQMOD Control window.
Please make sure that you install the following in this order (PEMPro must be last so it can update the EQMOD ASCOM driver with a specially modified version for PEMPro):
1. The .Net Framework 2.0 and all Microsoft patches:
2. Install the ASCOM Driver Platform V5 (
3. Install any version of the EQMOD Installation (
4. Install PEMPro V2.5, Build 60, or later ( Note that the install is a 60-day free fully functional trial.
When the mount wizard dialog opens you can enter any name you want for the telescope:
Click Next> to continue and in the next page select EQMOD as the Mount type:
Click Next> to continue.
PEMPro knows the ASCOM driver name and so it automatically selects the driver. If you have not connected before you should click Edit Driver Settings to select the COM port, enter your Site information, and to ensure that Pulse Guide Support is checked as shown below:
After clicking OK you should click Finish in the Mount Wizard dialog.
After the Mount Wizard closes you should see your mount selected in the drop down list to the right of Connect Scope:
From the File menu select the EQMOD installation option:
Proceed with the installation. When done you should see this:
Click Connect Scope and that should open the EQMOD dialog.
It is important that you either use 1.16f (or later) or have the "PEMPro Enhanced" version of EQMOD as is shown below.
If your EQMOD is earlier than 1.16f and does not say PEMPro Enhanced then either try uninstalling/reinstalling PEMPro V2.6 or you can download the latest zipped EXE file from this link:
If you download the zip file, then extract the file contained in the zip archive, EQMOD.EXE, over the original file with the same name in c:\Program Files\Common Files\ASCOM\Telescope. If you ever need to reinstall the original just reinstall the EQMOD driver using its installer.
You can check the version of EQMOD and other info on the Mount Info tab:
PEMPro can connect directly to all Meade DSI I, II, and III cameras, all The Imaging Source USB/Firewire cameras , and any webcam that has a DirectDraw or WDM driver (such as Phillips Toucam Pro and 900c series, Meade LPI, and Celestron NexImage).
PEMPro also has a very useful Bad Pixel Removal tool and also a video clean up option. PEMPro can also integrate a video exposure for an arbitrary period of time (you can use the Star Finder tab in PEMPro to test integrated exposures).
The main disadvantage of using a webcam is that you typically need a bright star to collect data. Finding a suitable bright star is often not easy. Also most webcoms are only "8-bit", meaning their maximum Signal/Noise cannot be very high. Lastly, most webcams have very small CCDs.
So, for much higher performance you can use PEMPro with the Meade DSI II and III cameras natively, or most other CCD cameras when using MaximDL (there is a 30-day free demo available), AstroArt, or CCDSoft.
To use a camera with PEMPro using one of the above applications first setup the application to the camera first. Then connect to the camera in Maxim, CCDSoft, or AstroArt. Once you are sure the camera connects correctly then select the application in PEMPro and press the Connect Camera :
Select Meade DSI Series and select your camera. If you have multiple cameras select the camera you wish to use. For more details on using the Meade DSI follow this link. Click Connect Camera to connect.
Select Video and click Connect Camera to connect.
The PEMPro Video Interface will start up when you click Connect.
Once PEMPro and the Video Interface are properly connected to both the mount and camera then the Connect buttons in PEMPro will turn green (and text changed to say disconnect) and, in the Video Interface, the PEMPro and Mount buttons will turn green as shown below. The Move buttons will be enabled so you can move the mount at the currently set guide rate.
Next, click the Setup menu item to select your video camera and resolution:
The actual setup window is here:
If you need to get to the manual settings of the camera you can click Properties... in the Video menu, which will bring up this dialog
IMPORTANT: Once connected and if the video mode is working properly you should see crosshairs and a running frame counter in the bottom right. If you don't see the crosshairs and/or the frame counter try changing the Video Sub Type (see above).
Here is an example of a bad frame:
And a good one:
First, make sure you unpark your mount in EQMOD:
IMPORTANT: Slew your mount to somewhere near 0 declination and just west of the meridian. If the view is obscured then change the declination until you have a good view.
To slew to a good location you can use PEMPro's Calibration Wizard (click this menu: Wizard->Calibration Wizard...).
Typically you want to be West of the meridian so that the telescope is starting off at the highest point for that declination. Note that although 0 declination is the best to use, you can use any declination up to 75 degrees North or South.
If you are using the Video Interface then you must calibrate by clicking the Calibrate button. PEMPro will automatically find the brightest star. If PEMPro chooses a hit pixel cluster then use the Bad Pixel Remover tool to eliminate those pixels.
If you are using a Meade DSI or MaximDL, CCDSoft, or AstroArt, you should use the Calibration Wizard.
Click on the Acquire Data tab. Select the Exposure Time and Exposure Delay (delay between exposures). If seeing is bad you can use longer exposures (2 seconds) to tame the seeing. If seeing is good or you are using a web cam set the intervals to small values (0.01 seconds).
You can enable/disable PEC for the EQMOD just by clicking PEC On or PEC Off. For inital data collection you will want it off. Click Start when ready.
If you want to do a very long duration PE measurement you can check Enable Automatic Stop and enter the number of hours to record. WARNING: If something happens to your PC and PEMPro cannot issue the stop command to the mount it is possible that the telescope could eventually strike the tripod. So, use this feature at your own risk!
For more details on the controls on this tab see the section on Acquiring Data
After you have acquired 5-6 cycles of PE data click Stop (the same button as Start. The button name is changed to Stop while running).
PEMPro will automatically ask you if you want to create a PEC Curve. Click Yes.
More details to be filled in later. Follow the instructions in this section.
Here is an example image of the EQMOD tab and graph:
PEMPro uses a specially modified version of EQMOD. The modifications include, among other things:
1) When PEC On or PEC Off are clicked in PEMPro the PEC state is properly reflected in EQMOD's user interface.
2) When PEC On is clicked EQMOD's Phase Shift is reset to 0, and PEC Gain is set to 1.0.
Here is the same screen shot with some items marked:
1. Clicking PEC ON turns on PEC. Clicking PEC Off turns PEC Off. You should see this reflected in the label above the buttons and also in EQMOD's display. NOTE: If PEC is disabled in EQMOD PEMPro won't know about it. Double clicking the PEC Status label in PEMPro will reread the PEC state from EQMOD.
2. The graph can display up to 4 curves and their Peak-Peak periodic error:
a. A curve from PEMPro (by clicking From Created PE Curve).
b. A curve from the Mount (by clicking From EQMOD).
c. A curve loaded from a file (by clicking From File).
d. A Refinement curve (explained later).
3. This section you to import/export PEC curves:
From Created PE Curve - loads a file onto this tab that was created by PEMPro's Create PE Curve dialog or Refine tab.
From EQMOD - downloads the current PEC curve from EQMOD. This curve can then be modified on the Modify PE Curve tab (discussed later).
To EQMOD - loads a curve to the mount. Any one of the 4 curve types can be uploaded.
From File - loads a native EQMOD file.
To File - saves a curve in native EQMOD PEC file format. Any one of the 4 curve types can be saved.
4. This section directs EQMOD to save or load a PEC file. You can use this as a convenient alternative to saving/loading a PEC within the EQMOD driver control dialog.
In the Graph tab you can change the visibility of each curve, the color, pen weight, and pen style. You can also adjust the amount of fading all curves and text description but the active curve gets. The active curve is set on the Modify PE Curve tab.
Modify PE Curve Tab
On this tab you can make some useful modifications to the Active curve. To set the active curve click the combo box and select the curve type:
If you have Upload changes immediately to mount checked then the active curve will be automatically sent whenever a change is made. IMPORTANT: If this option is not enabled you must click To Mount to upload to the mount any changes you make. When uploading PEMPro will ask you which curve you want to upload (the default being the Active curve).
If you have Enable PEC Drawing with Mouse checked you can hand modify the active curve.
Scale Curve - when clicked will scale the curve by the value in Scale Value. This might be useful if you collected PEC at the wrong or unknown image scale and need to scale it to correct for that.
Clear - Clears the entire active curve.
Smooth - Smooths the curve. Can be pressed multiple times for additional smoothing. Here is a curve created by EQMOD's PECPrep before smoothing:
After clicking Smooth 3 times:
Invert - Inverts the curve (each PEC cell that is positive is made negative, and vice versa). This is an extremely useful moidification to make when you find that a PEC curve adds to the periodic error (measures greater afterwards) rather then reduces the periodic error.
Reverse - Flips the curve end over end. Available for completeness but probably not useful unless using a Northern Hemisphere curve in the Southern Hemisphere (or vice versa) because the mount movement direction gets reversed in that case.
Phase Adjustment - Allows fine adjustment of the curve's phase before uploading.
PEC Quick Refinement Tab
This tab allows you to make an easy refinement to your PEC curve.
This is how it works:
1. Acquire PEC data with PEMPro with PEC OFF.
2. Create a PEC curve and upload it to the mount.
3. Turn PEC on and acquire more data.
4. If you want to try to improve the PEC curve then create a PEC curve of the residual periodic error in the mount.
5. If you had to invert the curve when you uploaded the PEC data in above in (2) then check both Invert Mount Data and Invert PEMPro Data. Click Create Refinement Curve.
6. Upload the curve to the mount by clicking To EQMOD and select the Refinement Curve:
7. If you want to refine again go back to step 3.
PEC Table Data Tab
This allows you to see the raw data and motor indices in the curve. You can select which curve's data to view in the Curve combo box field.
EQ6/Atlas EQ-G information
(Special thanks goes to Chris Shillito for publishing the following data).
Component |
Description |
Period (Seconds) |
Number of Teeth |
Comment |
Stepper Gear |
Gear attached to the stepper shaft, drives the transfer gear |
122.2 |
12 |
Stepper Gear Tooth |
Contact period of each tooth |
10.2 |
N/A |
Stepper Microstep |
Period stepper stays as each microstep position |
0.0095 |
N/A |
Sidereal rate is approximately 105 microsteps per second. |
Transfer Gear |
Gear between stepper and worm drive |
366.6 |
36 |
Transfer Gear Tooth |
Contact period of each tooth |
10.2 |
N/A |
Worm Bearing |
Period of rotation of each ball within the bearing |
170 |
N/A |
Worm Drive Gear |
Mounted on Worm shaft |
478.69 |
47 |
Worm Drive Gear Tooth |
Contact period of each tooth |
10.2 |
N/A |
Worm Gear |
Rotates once per Sidereal day |
180 * 478.69 |
180 |
HEQ5/Sirius EQ-G information
(Special thanks goes to Chris Shillito for publishing the following data).
Component |
Description |
Period (Seconds) |
Number of Teeth |
Comment |
Stepper Gear |
Gear attached to the stepper shaft, drives the transfer gear |
122.2 |
9 |
Stepper Gear Tooth |
Contact period of each tooth |
13.6 |
N/A |
Stepper Microstep |
Period stepper stays as each microstep position |
0.0095 |
N/A |
Sidereal rate is approximately 105 microsteps per second. |
Transfer Gear |
Gear between stepper and worm drive |
380.2 |
28 |
Transfer Gear Tooth |
Contact period of each tooth |
13.6 |
N/A |
Worm Bearing |
Period of rotation of each ball within the bearing |
225 |
N/A |
Worm Drive Gear |
Mounted on Worm shaft |
638.2 |
47 |
Worm Drive Gear Tooth |
Contact period of each tooth |
13.6 |
N/A |
Worm Gear |
Rotates once per Sidereal day |
135 * 638.2 |
135 |